Friday, May 27, 2011

Advantages Of Powerpoint Presentation Formats

It is very important to save you powerpoint presentation in different files. It is a huge advantage to save your presentation as, for example, .htm, .ppsx, .PDF, and .mov files. Here is why.

When you save your presentation, you should have the different files saved just incase you lose you information or if you want to view it in different ways. For instance, when you save it as .htm, you can only view it on the web. If you save it as .PDF, then you can only see it as a print view and you can print the powerpoint easier. If you save it as a .ppsx, you can only view it as a show. The show is an advantage because it is a shortcut to go straight to the powerpoint slideshow. If you save the file as a .mov, you can only see the slideshow played as a movie and does not stop, unless you press pause. 

These are advantages because you are able to see the powerpoint show in different ways and it is more convenient. They are advantages by seeing them easier in anyway you like.