Friday, May 27, 2011

Advantages Of Powerpoint Presentation Formats

It is very important to save you powerpoint presentation in different files. It is a huge advantage to save your presentation as, for example, .htm, .ppsx, .PDF, and .mov files. Here is why.

When you save your presentation, you should have the different files saved just incase you lose you information or if you want to view it in different ways. For instance, when you save it as .htm, you can only view it on the web. If you save it as .PDF, then you can only see it as a print view and you can print the powerpoint easier. If you save it as a .ppsx, you can only view it as a show. The show is an advantage because it is a shortcut to go straight to the powerpoint slideshow. If you save the file as a .mov, you can only see the slideshow played as a movie and does not stop, unless you press pause. 

These are advantages because you are able to see the powerpoint show in different ways and it is more convenient. They are advantages by seeing them easier in anyway you like.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Which problems are worked out or solved and answers recorded.


Composed of one or more worksheets and additional Visual Basic for Applications code. The RealCost software is a workbook.


A numerical quantity measured or assigned or computed.


A preset package containing graphical appearance details, used to customize the look and feel of (typically) an operating system, widget set or window manager.

Table Styles

A set of formatting options, such as font, border style, and row banding, that are applied to a table. The regions of a table, such as the header row, header column, and data area, can be variously formatted.

Statistical Functions

Can be used to analysis the data in a spreadsheet. For example, they can be used to tell you the number of data entries you.


A computer application that simulates a paper, accounting worksheet. It displays multiple cells that together make up a grid consisting of rows and columns, each cell containing either alphanumeric text or numeric values.


Divide: separate into parts or portions.


Microsoft Office 2007 (officially called 2007 Microsoft Office System) is the most recent Windows version of the Microsoft Office System, Microsoft's productivity suite. Art you can create.

Sheet Tab

A tab at the bottom of a work sheet that acts as a means to identify or access different sheets within a workbook.

Row Heading

A number on the left side of the grid that identifies each row.


An arrangement of objects or people side by side in a line.

Relative Cell References

A relative cell reference identifies the location of a cell or group of cells.


The set of values of the dependent variable for which a function is defined.

Order Of Evaluation

Most operators do not guarantee a particular order of evaluation for their operands.


A symbol or function representing a mathematical operation.


An operand is an expression used as an argument to an operator.

Mixed Cell Reference

In Excel cell references are used in formulas, functions, charts, and other Excel commands.

Microsoft Excel

A spreadsheet application written and distributed by Microsoft for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X. It features calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables and a macro programming language called VBA (Visual Basic for Applications).

Mathematical Functions

In mathematics, a function is a relation between a given set of elements called the domain and a set of elements called the codomain.


A single computer instruction that results in a series of instructions in machine language.

Header Row

A header supplies a meaningful name for referencing a row or column, and hence a cell.


A pattern of regularly spaced horizontal and vertical lines.


A graph is an abstract data structure that is meant to implement the graph concept from mathematics.

Function Formula

Excel SUM Function/Formula. Add Numbers, or a Range of Cells With SUM Formula.


A point in time in the development process after which the rules for making changes to the source code or related resources become more strict, or the period during which those rules are applied.


A group of symbols that make a mathematical statement.


A program that gets most of its data from its standard input (the main input stream) and writes its main results to its standard output (the main output stream). UNIX filters are often used as elements of pipelines.

Embedded Chart

When a chart is drawn on the same worksheet as the data.

Complex Formulas

In excel: Fill a formula to another cell; Copy and paste a formula to another cell; Revise a formula; Create an absolute reference.

Column Heading

A standard Windows control that can be used to provide interactive column titles for a list.


A line of units following one after another.


A visual representation of data. A chart can represent tabular numeric data, functions or some kinds of qualitative structures.

Cell Style

Gets or sets the style applied to all cells in the DataGrid.

Cell Reference

The column number and the row letter of a cell.


Reference as used in spreadsheets such as Excel.


A function in some computer applications or programs, typically those containing forms, which fills in a field automatically.


A reference or value that is passed to a function, procedure, subroutine, command, or program.

Active Cell

The cell you are currently working on.

Absolute Cell Reference

A formula that does not change when the formula is copied elsewhere.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

XML Paper Specification

It is a specification for a page description language and a fixed document format originally developed by Microsoft as XML Paper specification.

Word Processor

An application that provides the user with tools needed to write and edit and format text and to send it to a printer.


Reduced-size versions of pictures, used to help in recognizing and organizing them, serving the same role for images as a normal text index does for words.

Text Box

It is a common element of graphical user interface of computer programs, as well as the corresponding type of widget used when programming GUIs.


An additional format performed on characters.

Soft Copy

Matter that is in a form that a computer can store or display it on a computer screen.

Splitting Cells

It is the function in database software that allows multiple adjacent cells to be combined into a single larger cell.

Sizing Handles

It is a graphical indicator in a Graphical User Interface that allows users to click and drag on the indicator to resize the object.

Section Break

A special character that terminates a section and acts as a repository for the properties of the specified section.

Read-Only Document

It is a file which you can open and look at, but which you cannot change and save under the same file name.